David Almond in front of the Exhausted Angel installation on Foundry Lane, Newcastle.

Some notes to the Exhausted Angel from Albie and Isla.

Exhausted Angel
This installation is made from the ‘Ouseburn Alphabet’ I created using individual letters taken from signs found in and around the Ouseburn Valley.
On that morning in June 2017, the exhausted angel Caruna was discovered here by little Maria McTavish. The creature was lodged in the nearby pigeon cree. The rest is uncertain.
I used my newly created alphabet to transpose David Almond’s text to the wall. Mini pigeon cree birdboxes made by children at a free-to-access outdoor workshop were installed in a nearby tree, with letters to the Exhausted Angel hidden inside.
Roles & Responsibilities
Lead Artist // Creative Production // Workshop Facilitation
Collaborating Artists
John Kingston // rocket01.co.uk // Ciaran Glöbel
Vinyl install by Colin @ Incite Design
Bird Box fabrication by 345Furniture